Go To Sleep Pt Herbs For Sleep

Lemon Balm

Mild sedative. It can relieve anxiety and promote relaxation, also can help you fall asleep easier and stay asleep.


Traditional solution for troubled sleep and insomnia for generations. These flowers soothe the nervous system, allowing you to sleep better.


This herb has been used historically as a remedy for nervous debility and exhaustion. It is extremely safe and effective for insomnia.


Used extensively for insomnia due to the herbs relaxing effect upon the central and nervous system. It acts to ease tension and anxiety, especially when tension leads to restlessness.

As a more immediate solution, for tonight even, you have the power to reclaim your sleep. Although it can feel like our thoughts are spiraling in the wee hours, and the momentum of their whirlwind is too great to change; that just isn’t true. You are always the narrative voice in your own head. You can choose to tell yourself a soothing bedtime story, rather than doing midnight mental gymnastics. You already possess the skill set. There is no special talent needed, only a willingness to be still and be completely present with yourself.


Choose a statement or a sentence that feels good when you hear it. I like the simplicity of “it’s okay” or “thank you, God” or even “I love you”. These are the mantras I allow my internal voice to repeat to me softly when sleep illudes me. Admittedly, it is a distractionary approach; but an entirely useful one.

Choosing to repeat these simple affirmations, means we are paying attention to, and even controlling, our own thoughts. When we just allow our minds to wander without intention, they burn excess energy and create unnecessary scenarios and stress. The simplicity of your own reassurance will often quiet the mind to the degree needed to fall asleep. Restful sleep replenishes your physical being which supports your emotional body which rewards you with more ease and greater rest. In the same way that insomnia can be a cycle, learning to get adequate sleep begets more of the same.


If you intentionally seek out a quiet place to be still, you will find it. Nothing needs tending to today that depriving yourself of rest will solve. Whatever is left undone at the end of this day, is meant for another one. Go easy on yourself, and trust in the wisdom of a fresh start tomorrow.


Nighty Night 

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